Tag Archives: Confederacy of Free Cities

A Dream of Spring

The arrival of spring has done more for Arcadia than anything else this last year. With Alpha Bandit now on Kickstarter, I’ve been more focused to finish my goals with this blog. I still need to add the timeline, and flesh out a bit more details, but those are forthcoming. More importantly, with Alpha Bandit public, my players’ interest in Mobile Frame Zero are back, and while I’m taking a backseat role in our group’s games, we now have a new player to take my place. Her faction will be posted in due time, like a Free Colony Movement.

And so, just as in the real world, Spring has revitalized things on Arcadia. Here’s a few of the new events.

– The withdrawal of the Terran Expeditionary Marines, and dissolution of the Arcadian Loyalist Foreign Legion.
– The regression of the Confederacy, true independence for the Mobile Frame Militia.
– Pirates! The Blitzen Fleet attacks various Solar Union-loyal settlements and facilities.
– Problems within the Varangian Guard, have word of their cruel deeds reached back to Sol?
– Return and expansion of the Ijad Enclave, and birth of the rebels who fight against them.
– Revival of an old movement…

This year ought to be an exciting one.

Free Colony Movements – Arcadia’s Wild Cards

There has always been a unique spirit on Arcadia. A colony born in little oversight, the Arcadians have always enjoyed a relatively free life. Under the early days, prior to Aurum, the corporations had little oversight over the world. The farms would bring in bountiful harvests, the fishermen would bring in colossal hauls, and troubles were little. Empyrean Interstellar stayed in Elysium, the transit gate, and while Rosenthal Incorporated had an influence on the world, it was minimal at best.

It wasn’t until Aurum crashed into Arcadia, that the peaceful people started to resist the yoke of the corporations.

Let us look into the timeline of Arcadia’s wild cards, the free colony movements…
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